


楼主: ktbong

(新時代杂谈)第52页 - 人类与银河联邦的和谐关系

 楼主| 发表于 9-3-2011 05:38 PM | 显示全部楼层




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 楼主| 发表于 9-3-2011 06:47 PM | 显示全部楼层

2011 揭秘就在眼前


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发表于 10-3-2011 12:40 AM | 显示全部楼层
ktbong 发表于 9-3-2011 06:47 PM


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 楼主| 发表于 10-3-2011 05:30 AM | 显示全部楼层
黑鬼1608 发表于 10-3-2011 12:40 AM


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 楼主| 发表于 10-3-2011 05:30 AM | 显示全部楼层

【银河联邦】SaLuSa 3月9日信息 《我们将很快向你们介绍高端科技》(转)

本帖最后由 ktbong 于 10-3-2011 05:33 AM 编辑

【和平】将会降临地球,因为你们都已经意愿成为这样了,【和平】将随着奖赏到来,许多亲爱的灵魂已经把自己置身其中来达成它。此刻战斗正在进行着,并且没有必要在物理水平中发生。确实有着【精神的战斗】在发生着, 当然,当【光的力量】成为了支配地位的力量,那么成功就一定达成,而且没有流血事件。我们的存在是对于你们努力的坚强后盾,带来相关的转变,但是一些人还是会表现的不够【平静】。我们在检测着地球上所有的事件,并且会努力阻止来自外层空间的干扰去成为影响其他国家的事件。这总是应该这样,成为大自然的居民,让行动带来改变。这也仅仅只有【内在】有了需求才有可能得到外部的帮助,而且随之而来的行动也必须遵守最高的行为法则。




通过转变的方式此刻有着这么多的事情就要到来,如果没有某些引导,这将很难去弄个明白。交通工具作为例子依旧会是必要的,但是与任何形式的燃烧能量的灵感想法区别开,将是取代污染的自由装置,并且运用的是电磁能量。许多你们的地方式旅游将在地下,但是小型的空间飞船将作为跨海旅行提供便利。它如何发展取决于你们的责任心,但是我们会自由的给予你们这些必要的科技。其中的一些已经被美国政府秘密的在背后运用了,还有瞬间传送(beaming up)人。你们已经听说了自由能源有些时日了,那将为许多的设备提供能量,这都是相当简单的设计。他们的成本也很低,大规模的生存将确保需求的供应。


那些你们已经错过了去体验益处的这些新科技,我们将带你们进入一个更高端的水平。所以,你会体验到飞跃的感受,交流的方式也会让你们惊奇。每个人将不仅能够互相接触而不管相隔多远,还能看到他们。(译者:我敢肯定的是绝不会是当前的视频交流了。。。呵呵,到底是什么,一起期待吧) 此外,还有翻译的设备可以支持任何的语言。娱乐消遣将从这些高端科技中受益,但是程序将变得更贴切新社会的形态,将从旧世界的方式中提升。暴力和相似的负面层次将不再是特色,因为你们将拥有更高水平的意识,也不再会容忍或是希望它了。


Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Website:Tree of the Golden Light

(转自:2012真相探索  U2觉醒  )

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发表于 10-3-2011 11:52 AM | 显示全部楼层
ktbong 发表于 9-3-2011 05:38 PM

俄罗斯很受 UFO 欢迎啊。

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 楼主| 发表于 10-3-2011 06:20 PM | 显示全部楼层

【银河联邦】Sheldan Nidle 3月8日讯息 初步阶段的几项任务(转)








你们的提升大师们建议我们充分估计到黑暗势力对我们行动的反应。不过,随着全球金融危机的解决,以及黑暗方的时日确实所剩无几,这个困境最终会被冲破。天堂已经准备颁布法令允许我们可以自由的让临时看守政府的权力生效,重新分配你们星球的巨大财富。我们希望看到这些新政府顺利行事,并免受残余黑暗精英的胡闹。我们的朋友Anunnaki (以前的地球统治者之一,现在回归银河联邦了)已经向我们拍了胸脯,保证会阻止残余势力的把戏。因为这些势力的头头在以前就是Anunnaki的小啰啰。


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 楼主| 发表于 10-3-2011 06:21 PM | 显示全部楼层
同时可以参考at_domain   的一贴:最近美国意图恢黄金本位,与地外信息的预告做比对



Utah took its first step Friday toward bringing back the gold standard when the state House passed a bill that would recognize gold and silver coins issued by the federal government as legal currency.


The House voted 47-26 in favor of the legislation that would also exempt the sale of gold from the state capital gains tax and calls for a committee to study alternative currencies for the state.

The legislation now heads to the state Senate, where a vote is expected next week.
Under the bill, the coins would not replace the current paper currency but would be used and accepted voluntarily as an alternative.

If the bill passes, Utah would become the first of 13 states that have proposed similar measures. The others states are Colorado, Georgia, Montana, Missouri, Indiana, Iowa, New Hampshire, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Vermont and Washington.  

Related Links 相关新闻
Utah Considers Return to Gold, Silver Coins Backers of Utah's bill say they want to send a message to the rest of the country.

"People sense that in the era of quantitative easing and zero interest rates, something has gone haywire with our monetary policy," said Jeffrey Bell, policy director for the Washington-based American Principles in Action, which helped shape the bill.
“人们感觉到,在定量宽松和零利率时代,我们的货币政策有些混乱失控了。”Jeffrey Bell说道。他是总部设在华盛顿的“美国精神在行动”小组的政策总监。这个行动小组为该法案的形成做了贡献。

"If one state recognizes gold as a valid currency, I think it would embolden people not just in other states but in Washington," he said.

The U.S. used the gold standard from 1873 until 1933, when President Franklin D. Roosevelt outlawed the private ownership of gold amid the Great Depression. President Richard Nixon abandoned the gold standard altogether when he announced in 1971 that the U.S. would no longer convert dollars to gold at a fixed value.

Critics of the gold standard say it limits countries' control over its monetary policy and leaves them vulnerable to financial shocks, such as the Great Depression. But supporters argue that the current financial system's dependence on the Federal Reserve exposes the value of U.S. money to the risk of runaway inflation.


(转自:2012真相探索  历历曼

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发表于 25-3-2011 02:09 PM | 显示全部楼层

http://cforum2.cari.com.my/viewt ... &extra=page%3D1

Noah's ark boarding ticket

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发表于 25-3-2011 05:09 PM | 显示全部楼层

Noah's ark boarding ticket
faiko 发表于 25-3-2011 02:09 PM



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发表于 27-3-2011 11:36 AM | 显示全部楼层
亲切的问候!我们来此与你们进一步讨论目前的形势。现在,地球盟友正在就黑暗势力的正式退位与他们深入协商 ...
ktbong 发表于 10-3-2011 06:20 PM

"如何让丰富的财富在全球范围内重新分配"听起来像ZEITGEIST: MOVING FORWARD里的Resource Based Economy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Z9WVZddH9w美丽的巧合??


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发表于 28-3-2011 11:42 AM | 显示全部楼层
雖然 【银河联邦】 講了那麼多的東西, 可是卻沒有令人有點的 "真實感". 可能是因為他們沒有現身的關係吧?



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发表于 28-3-2011 03:54 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 28-3-2011 08:49 PM | 显示全部楼层







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发表于 28-3-2011 11:53 PM | 显示全部楼层
【银河联邦】SaLuSa 3月28日信息 《众人之力可以移山》

For a long time you have asked to see action and although we cannot allow you insight to everything we have done, you are becoming more aware of our part in what is happening worldwide. Along with our allies we are pushing hard to get really started on bringing some matters to completion. We know that once things start there will be no stopping the onward surge. As you can see and as was predicted, your ever-increasing levels of consciousness are bringing results as evidenced in the changes taking place in the Middle East. It will not stop there, and you will see other countries subject to pressure from their inhabitants. Freedom is the flag that everyone flies, and it is such a powerful energy that it will carry all before it. With it will come truth and a great reconciliation will occur between both people and their countries, where previously they have been set apart.


Separation was played upon by the Illuminati and everything done to foment the differences, whether they were true or false. The hatred and anger caused has gone deep into the earth, and there will never be true peace until such energies are cleared away. That is why Mother Earth is anxious to get going and why her activities will be more frequent. However much you see a threat where your safety is concerned, bear in mind that you agreed to take your place on Earth for this particular period. Whatever happens you will find yourself exactly where you were meant to be. It may be difficult to contemplate, but some souls have planned to leave before Ascension and are directly involved with the changes. We of the Galactic Federation already do much more than you are aware of, and the results of the earthquake in Japan are one example. Be assured they could have been so much more serious without our intervention, and you will not necessarily know exactly what we have done.


Sometimes it is intentional that you see our craft and become aware of our activities, as for example where we have openly disabled nuclear weapons on their missile sites. We made it clear to all governments that nuclear weapons would not be allowed to be used, and it is quite pointless in having them primed ready to launch. In the course of time we shall call a halt to all war activities, and if that is ignored we shall disable all types of weapons so that none can be raised in anger. Peace is coming and our role is to ensure that it is achieved well before Ascension. This is why you must have the right people leading your governments, and those at present representing you will by and large be replaced. For you at present a politician that speaks the total truth is a rare specimen, but there are souls who are with you who come especially for that purpose. Some you already know by their work to bring changes about for the benefit of the people.


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发表于 28-3-2011 11:53 PM | 显示全部楼层
There is no turning back to the old ways and whilst some aspects may survive you are taking a great step up, and will make good the period of time that you have been held back. The upliftment you will experience will far outweigh any difficulties you go through, and many of you have still not grasped the immense importance of the time you are in. We have told you previously that it is a unique occasion, but just as important is the fact that mass ascension only occurs at long intervals. It is an opportunity that will not come your way for many thousands of years, so take it with both hands and do not worry yourselves with what is necessary to achieve it. With great love for you all God planned the end times of this cycle, so that every soul would have an equal chance to ascend. It is not forced upon anyone and neither will you be coerced into doing so, but nevertheless you will be given every encouragement. Many feel the pull of wanting to “go home” as they know that the lower dimensions are not their real home. Set your sights firmly on Ascension, because it is your pathway back to where you originally came from.


We will be with you when circumstances permit, and then we shall have a wonderful period of getting to fully know each other. In many instances we are old friends of yours and your true family from the stars. The Greys have been on Earth for a long time, and have been working with many Earth representatives of their family to help save their civilization. These are in the minority but in gaining permission to have bases on Earth, were responsible for the early exchange of advanced technologies. Regretfully the Illuminati never intended that it should be used to everyone’s advantage, although some of it did make into the commercial markets. There have been other Space visitors but none in recent times have stayed upon Earth, but have carried out exploratory missions. The Universe is full of intelligent life, and it is the way of things that when a civilization reaches the point of being able to Space travel, they travel their Universe in search of knowledge.


Clearly you are rapidly approaching the time when you should trust your intuition, and see beyond your eyes, and outside of your mind. All that is happening now or due to happen is in your best interests. The planet is being swept clean on many levels, so that it is in a rejuvenated state in readiness for Ascension. You too will be registering changes within yourselves, as you cannot really go through this period of upliftment without being aware of it. Get plenty of rest and do not give your energies to any articles or individuals preaching the fear factor. There is still disinformation being given out and it can be confusing, but by now you should be able to discern the difference. There are some recognized sources of truthful information, so stick with them and do not be distracted by others.


Week by week there will be startling bits of information, as slowly but surely the truth is coming out. The world has come alive with the realization that people power is real and can after all “move mountains”. Hitherto as happened many years ago in Hungary, any demonstrations against the authorities would have been totally crushed without any consideration to loss of life. Now that approach will be stemmed, as the people’s demand for change has resulted in a powerful surge of energy that is carrying it onwards.


I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and on the one hand happy to see the outward showing of your success, but tinged with sadness at the cost in human lives.


Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Website:Tree of the Golden Light

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发表于 31-3-2011 10:13 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Matrix8888 于 31-3-2011 10:17 PM 编辑

【银河联邦】SaLuSa 3月30日信息 《你们无法带着业力进入高维度》

By now you should be getting a feel for what is taking place in your world. If ever you wanted proof that the mass consciousness is a powerful tool, you only have to register how many countries are under pressure for change. It seems to make no difference as to how powerful the rulers are; eventually the people get their way. Sometimes it is not achieved without violence, but even although they are often ill equipped the people still succeed. Materialism cannot continue, as it is unable to move forward with the higher vibrations of Ascension. Therefore financial changes are most likely to be the most far reaching. In a future time money will no longer be used because it will become unnecessary. Creating wealth will not be the focal point as it is now, because sharing will become normal, and no one will seek more than they need. There will be an entirely new mindset that puts others first, until everyone has a fair share of the benefits of all labors. Work will not in fact occupy you to the extent it does now, and more than ample time will be available to follow more leisurely pursuits. You were never meant to be the slaves of those corporations that demand so much from their workers.


When you re-unite with your Higher Self you will have become a Galactic Being, with full creative powers. With it you will also have developed those necessary powers of control, and also carry such responsibilities with an outlook that seeks the best for all souls. Your high level of consciousness will heighten your sense of Oneness, and the grouping of souls with similar vibrations will occur. At such a high stage of evolution, you will have free choice as to which path to follow, although Ascension will continue to be an ongoing process. Families will still come together, and birth will always be planned and never happen accidentally. However, in the higher dimension, birth is quite different to your experience on Earth. A soul will join its family by arrangement in a semi-adult state, which is a holy event that is treated with great reverence and thanks. Parents are chosen for what they can give the newly arrived soul, who will have a clear life plan that the family will all know about in advance.


There is so much that will change and your lifestyle will be much more rewarding, enjoyable and exceptionally pleasant. Coming out of your present cycle of duality you will not carry karma forward, which is why it must be cleared before you can ascend. The conditions are therefore in part necessary for souls to have the opportunity to do so. If in your calm moments you think carefully about the present period in your life, you will almost certainly begin to sense the reasons why you are here. You should intuitively pick up on your weaknesses, and that will help you clear them a lot more easily. Do not be afraid to admit to yourself what they are, as that is the first towards forgiving yourself. Thoughts are a very good clue, as they will suddenly enter your mind without any direct intent on your part. As you become able to take in more of the Light energies, so your strength increases and you will experience the lower vibrations without falling into them. Indeed, when you become adept at centering yourself your Light becomes your protection.



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发表于 31-3-2011 10:13 PM | 显示全部楼层

As we have often informed you, once you express the intent to ascend you will achieve it. You will become motivated and attract the higher energies to yourself, and your decisions will be spiritually inspired and your knowledge will grow quite quickly. Also well before the end of the cycle we will have arrived on Earth, and you will have every assistance to help you succeed. Regardless of any other aspects in your life, the achievement of Ascension is after all the main object of your many lives on Earth. You have come a long way and experienced so much about human life. About its power and the weaknesses of the flesh, and the strength of the soul with its infinite life and journey from the stars. You truly have tried and tested yourself to the limit.


Now the time approaches when you can put everything behind you, and enjoy the reward of so much hard work. Your endurance has been so great that even when you panned the depths, you never lost complete sight of who you truly were. You will need reminding of how great you are and we will do so not to feed anyone’s ego, but ensure they know that they are so much more than a mere physical body. There are even now so many souls who have not yet fully awakened, who have no idea that they are sparks of God with all the potential to become gods themselves. Again there will be ample teachings passed to you so that you understand the truth about all life forms. All have degrees of consciousness, and all have their being within the Universal energy that is God.


We know that some people will still scoff at the ideas expressed about your true origins. However we do know that given time they will open up to them, although the changes to their understanding are too much at present to contemplate and absorb. It is for this very same reason, that introducing ourselves to you has been a rather long exercise. Slow but sure is far preferable to be seen to force the truth upon you. People shock very easily when the learn that their cherished beliefs have been held in error, and it is too much to admit to themselves. We believe that by the time we openly show ourselves the truth about us and our relationship to you will have been discussed, and people will generally show more acceptance of us. There is certainly nothing at all to be frightened about, as we have consistently shown you that we come in peace.


Our actions are now more frequent on your behalf, although you would not necessarily be aware of them. But soon they will become more evident, as we have work to do that will take place before your very eyes. It is all bringing our open contact with so much nearer, but we will still approach it through your diplomatic channels. All along we have followed your protocol, but we reserve the right to act as necessary if any attempt is made to endanger our presence. Nevertheless ours is the way of peaceful negotiations, and we will never be the aggressors.


I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and have become so familiar with the ways of Earth people who are admired and immensely loved by all of your Space Families.


Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Tree of the Golden Light


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发表于 2-4-2011 07:13 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Matrix8888 于 2-4-2011 07:14 PM 编辑

【银河联邦】SaLuSa 4月1日信息 《在任何情况下都用爱指引你》

Let love be your guide in all circumstances, and make no exceptions as every soul responds to such a powerful energy. It may take time with some souls but they will eventually be lifted up. Humans sometimes have a habit of looking down at people, that have been unable to find their place in the world. Yet like those who have gone astray, they need every help to find their real selves. It is time to be forgiving and set aside any judgmental feelings. All of you have gone through such periods traveling the corridors of darkness, but have eventually been successful in finding your true path. More and more souls will awaken to the wonderful opportunity this period presents, and with help will be able to forgive themselves and start anew. In the deepest recess of their heart no soul desires to permanently cut itself off from the Light, but the darkness can be overwhelming. Without prejudice and all the love you can muster, send out your highest energy to those who perpetrate criminal acts upon the people. If you can, it will be one of the most earth changing acts you can take part in.


Ascension is very much an individual experience, but at the same time it is of a Universal nature and in reality every soul would like to be part of it. Some however, cannot yet respond to the love that is being sent to them. They are weighed down by the baggage they are carrying, and have little idea of how to release it. You who have gone before them can help show the way by your example. Do not add to their troubles by surrounding them in negativity, as that is what they normally attract and it keeps them down. Be kind, be love and see the godspark in everyone, as it is indestructible and will always remain so. Each soul still has Guides and Angels traveling with it each lifetime, who work patiently and with unconditional love to turn their face towards the Light. When you think about it, it could not be any other way.


When you seek changes on Earth and your desires are sent out with Universal Love, they are carrying so much more power that they will inevitably bring about a successful conclusion. In this way you have achieved so much already since the last century, and it is your willpower and determination that is giving your love that added strength. Each day the energies are becoming more powerful, and it spells the end of the Illuminati. They are no match for the growing mass consciousness of the people, and it is quite clear that they will settle for no less than a complete victory to restore their rights, freedom and peace. Chaotic it may be but within all the turmoil the way forward is becoming clear, and we of the Galactic Federation and many other higher groups and councils are aiding and abetting your push for victory. The future may be known, but it still has to manifest through you and your intent to determine how it comes about.



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发表于 2-4-2011 07:13 PM | 显示全部楼层

You are doing wonderfully well, and your success is rapidly creating the conditions that will lead to our coming. What is necessary to bring us fully into the picture is again down to you, but you are not without immense help. We are excited at the prospect of our coming together, and delighted that you have earnt the right to leave the cycle of duality. You are truly immense and powerful Beings, even if you cannot yet grasp these facts for yourselves. For so long the dark Ones have kept you in a position of believing that you depended on them for your existence, whereas you have recently discovered the power to determine your own future. Use it wisely and for the benefit of all, and nothing more could be asked of you.


We have referred to it previously, but will not tire of mentioning that you must let each soul decide for themselves where their future lies. We know that many are concerned about the fate of their loved ones, but be grateful that you have come together to create links of love. These will no doubt bring you together again on some future occasion, as they cannot be broken. There is always a purpose in such experiences, but you will not yet know what it is. You are possibly one of a quite close-knit group that often incarnate together, and so it will proceed well into the future. You will best help others by allowing them total freedom of choice, as it is indeed each soul’s privilege.


In recent months we have been true to our promise to make our craft more observable in your skies. Clearly it cannot be much longer before disclosure comes about, as we see opportunity is approaching and our allies will do all they can to use it. We know now that our presence will be well received, and those who deny us will have to face facts that cannot be ignored for much longer. Throughout your history we have never been far away from you, and the evidence is there to read if you have the desire to do so. Even more conclusive are the monuments and buildings that still exist as proof of the help provided by us. All of it will be referred to and included, as part of the knowledge that will be passed on to you to set the records right.


Over a long period there has been a plan to gradually enlighten you as to your true ancestry, and help you pave the way to being a Galactic Being. It will be a return to your real home, as the present Earth has only served as a planet for your 3rd dimensional experience. However when you ascend with Mother Earth, all of that will be left behind as you enjoy the beauty and wonders of the higher dimensions. With our help you will also become the creators of much of what is needed by you, and advanced technologies will be made available to you from us. Since you will have ascended and the lower vibrations cannot exist at the same level, we know you can be totally trusted to use them for the right purposes.


You are coming of age and will be treated as such and invited to share our knowledge, as we keep nothing for personal gain. Our outlook and attitude comes from being at a level where we have mastered the ability to treat all souls with Unconditional Love. Absolute perfection is for those souls that have returned to the Source, but even so you will have little or no problems avoiding any issues that still involve karma. Be aware that Universal Law still exists that covers what you may call errors of judgment, where there is no intention to deliberately break them.


I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and bless you all in the name of the Creator.


Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Tree of the Golden Light


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