


楼主: ktbong

(新時代杂谈)第52页 - 人类与银河联邦的和谐关系

发表于 24-5-2010 03:55 PM | 显示全部楼层
我不是外星人,是道地出生在地球上的地球人。 我赞同阿米的解释,其实所谓在地球上的国家,应该是利 ...
nono88 发表于 23-5-2010 04:11 PM




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 楼主| 发表于 24-5-2010 05:53 PM | 显示全部楼层

Addressing Safety
By CM thru Rubens
May 23, 2010 - 4:01:34 PM

Candace: This arrived about 00:50 UTC

Candace:讯息大概来自00:50 UTC(协调世界时)(也就是今天北京时间8:50,所以此信息确切说是24号的)

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Rubens: Yes, CM is that you?


CM: Yes dear; it is I Aton. We are still on high alert and we are carefully monitoring Gaia and the signs that she exhibits in her labor; she is indeed considered as being in full labor; we have no other expectation than that she will deliver very, very soon.


Let us address, a little, the concept of safety, shall we? If you are on the shore and you are less than 10 miles away from the ocean, you are not safe dear ones because the waves produced most likely by tsunamis will be enormous and will reach far inland. I fear that many of the islands such as that of Rubens'place of birth and those around it, will not fair well under the circumstances. Only those on higher grounds will be safe from the waves. In case there are earthquakes created in those same regions, that will also cause another wave of devastation.


We are not advertising scenarios of gloom and doom but, it is exactly as you, Rubens said earlier; there is nothing that we can do about it except prepare as best as you can under the circumstances. Dear ones, you must be very strong to be able to remain centered in the face of those dire occurrences and I hope that we have done a good job of preparing you.


Mother is still a bit hesitant to let it all go but, it is already too late for any of that also and we expect nothing else but a sound delivery which is not good news for you of the surface.


We made many preparations for a quick and effective evacuation of those areas that will be affected considerably. We want to reiterate our call of stepping into the levitation beams from many ships that will carry out those tasks.


At this point, I cannot have any comforting words for you; this has been announced and there is no longer any ways around it dear ones. Step solidly into your shoes and make the best of it, if that applies at all.


Remain on extremely High Alert, all of you.


This is again CM and I place my seal of approval upon the words above.




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 楼主| 发表于 24-5-2010 05:56 PM | 显示全部楼层


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 楼主| 发表于 24-5-2010 06:07 PM | 显示全部楼层
WARNING , HEED. Get "safe"
By CM thru Rubens
May 23, 2010 - 1:29:21 PM
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Hello Candace
您好 坎迪斯
I just received this very brief but important notice from CM:
Sunday, May 23, 2010

Rubens: I am here to take the message.

CM: Rubens, this is CM coming through. I am here to deliver a very urgent message; mother Gaia has started the first major contractions and we can already see the signs about to manifest shortly on the surface. We implore all of you to remain calm and assure that you are in a safe place. I know that the notion of safe varies but, I do not have time to address that for now. I need you to be ready because, as announced it is going to be pretty strong.

That is all for now.

I am Aton, Creator Son of Nebadon

Rubens: Thanks.

Candace: this arrived at my email about 5 minutes ago now. It's 4:30 MDT, or 22:30 UTC. I am not absolutely sure, but I think the sun is not quite in the right place and this may match the nausea I had this morning.


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发表于 24-5-2010 07:17 PM | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 24-5-2010 08:01 PM | 显示全部楼层
【5-24-2010】Update #18 (最新讯息 18 by CM)
2010-05-24 19:47

Update #18
By CM thru Hazel
May 24, 2010 - 1:11:39 AM

Update 18
Christ Michael thru Hazel

The time is here. I can confirm that the mother is going to make her first major movement. By the time this message is posted it may have already occurred. It is likely that this movement will initiate in the countries/islands in the South Pacific. I have already through Rubens provided safety measures for all to follow in the event that your regions are affected please take heed.

Now this initial movement is going to catalyse further movements in what promises to be a cascade of earth movements with tumultuous effects and devastating results. The tsunamis are going to be triggered and waves in excess of 75 feet can be produced and this will lead to many areas being wiped out.

So quickly with these events unfold that you will not even to be able to count 5 proper breaths. So please move swiftly to the ships. Do not dawdle. Our personnel from the ships will guide you. Do not be concerned for your material things. Hold on to you faith now. This is the time. It has started.

I am Christ Michael your Father and I approve these words.

Candace: I woke up an hour ago (3 am my time) in a sweat. So I got up and am still up but going back to bed. There was nothing in my mail then from Hazel, but then she saw me posting to AHS, and made a note to check my mail. This came about 10 UTC, for anyone needing times. Since I normally wouldn't be up for at least another 2 hours, which CM knows, obviously, last I checked there is nothing of interest yet on usgs. He would be expecting me to post this 3 hours after Hazel sent it. I did ask to be awakened if anything important was happening, so maybe that is why I woke up when I did. I am going back to bed now.
Candace:一个小时之前我满身大汗地醒来(3 am 我所在时区)。我起身从床上坐起来,但是又躺了回去。那时候Hazel还没给我发邮件,然后她看到我登入AHS,提示我检查邮件。这个讯息来自10 UTC(北京时间今天18点),为了任何需要时间的人。因为我通常至少还要两个小时才会起床,显然CM也知道,我发现目前美国地质勘探局在网上还没有任何动静。我被要求如果任何重要情况要发生,都要随时被唤醒,所以可能这就是为什么我醒了。我继续睡觉去了。



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发表于 24-5-2010 08:49 PM | 显示全部楼层
发生了?!! 所以??有什么动静???

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发表于 24-5-2010 08:51 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 24-5-2010 08:56 PM | 显示全部楼层
回复 26# ktbong


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 楼主| 发表于 24-5-2010 09:22 PM | 显示全部楼层
回复 29# 九州龍吟


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 楼主| 发表于 24-5-2010 09:24 PM | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 25-5-2010 11:10 AM | 显示全部楼层



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 楼主| 发表于 25-5-2010 03:10 PM | 显示全部楼层
【转】 【5-24-2010】Update #19 (最新讯息 19 by CM)
2010-05-25 10:24
转载自 U2觉醒
最终编辑 DreaMend___

Update #19
By CM thru Rubens
May 24, 2010 - 6:47:04 AM

Update No. 19

Monday, May 24, 2010

Rubens: Yes, dear brother, are you here?

CM: Yes, dear, I am here with the expected news that your shores are indeed going to be hit with extreme force and the result will be major loss of life due mostly to the unbelievable ignorance of the masses. You are about to see events unfolding from the pacific ocean as we said previously and from there, the cascading of geological events. It will start with a major slip of the tectonic plates which in turn will trigger the extreme earthquake well above the Richter scale; needless to say that other earthquakes will also be experienced in the Atlantic ocean and from there "all hell will break loose" as you humans term it. The good news is that Gaia will finally have some time to breathe, regains some strength, and continue with her process but, the bad news is that many will leave their bodies; SO BE IT, dear ones. We have done our best to prepare you for this unavoidable outcome and it is here now.

We are ready for evacuations. Please, one more time, heed the warnings whose purpose is to assure that you are not in harms way and also to prepare you for evacuations, should you be in those affected areas. No need to be sad, although it is inevitable but remember that one of the tasks of the ground crew will be to comfort and aid others as needed. Once again, center yourselves as much as possible and know that I am with you and many of your brothers and sisters embrace you with their energies that incite calm and composure in these dire times.

You have my blessings dear one and Gaia sends you her love and compassion despite her own ordeals.
This is your Father and Brother, Aton, Creator Son of Nebadon.
Peace be upon you.



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 楼主| 发表于 25-5-2010 03:12 PM | 显示全部楼层
【转】 【5-24-2010】Update #20 (最新讯息 20 by CM)
2010-05-25 10:37
转载自 DreaMend___
最终编辑 DreaMend___

Update #20
By CM thru Hazel
May 24, 2010 - 2:15:17 PM

Update 20

Christ Michael thru Hazel

You have noticed this day the drastic occurrence of earth movement in different parts of your globe. This is the mother's way of building the momentum needed. At this point in time I can assuredly say to you that she is choking below. I have asked her to unleash and she has concurred. The time frame given to you has not changed for as of this moment she wrestles with the energies. Our instruments show increased activity in her tectonic plates occurring in the region of Tonga, the seat of an earthquake today. It might be that she will have her first release here.

We maintain the imminence of this movement and have secured all fleet resources in place for immediate attendance. Once her initial movement takes place we will be in a more certain position to anticipate the effect that this will have on the subsequent movements.

My team are working around your clock monitoring her. She is ready to give birth and like a birthing partner I stand by her side giving her all the encouragement she needs to push. She has asked me to allow her to this the natural way. In other words she would rather I not interfere. So for now I hold her hands as she goes through the process. This is by no means an easy birthing for her for she is currently enduring a range of emotions. She knows it must be done.

I am not going to be redundant again by proffering warnings to you for I am of the view that this has been covered sufficiently. Do not underestimate the effects of the birthing process for it will be as none you have ever witnessed. Her energies are raging at the moment so expect this major move at any time.

I shall tomorrow provide a further update on how we are managing on your grounds. Other than that I only wished this to be a fleeting update. Be prepared I say for the moment approaches with haste.

This is Christ Michael Aton and I bid you to pay attention that you may hear the alarm
这是Christ Michael Aton,请注意,你可能会听到警报。

Candace: OK, This will be briefer than my previous attempt. There were NOT a lot of quakes today. And what ones that were allowed to show, they were marked way down, and I ask if you have not yet read the summary commentary I added thru the day to Update #19 and Ron's warning piece today, that you check there.
Candace:好的,这比我预期中的要简短。今天没多少地震。被允许公布的地震明显降低了,如果你还没有读今天我在Update #19和Ron's warning的简单解说,去看看吧。

USGS is NOT posting quakes as they occur. This has been going on for several days at least. They are apparently batching any above a certain point, 5 and above for review. Today several of the 5 plus quakes were not reported for more than an hour, yet they were on Geofon. ALL were downgraded substantially and I don't know if other quakes were not reported at all. This is the geofon site, please bookmark it if you like watching the action. The European site was usless, it followed with USGS. http://geofon.gfz-potsdam.de/db/eqinfo.php

I am a bit worried about this game. I am sure they do not want people to freak out. So I myself consider whether they should be posted as truth or not. Obviusly USGS folks are aware that something is impending, otherwise they would not do this. Most people don't visit these sites anyway. It could be that ignorance is bliss and it might be better for people to not know in congested areas and just be out clogging the highways.

I hope they do give tsunami warmings.



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 楼主| 发表于 25-5-2010 03:13 PM | 显示全部楼层
【5-24-2010】Update #21 (最新讯息 21 by CM)
2010-05-25 09:47

Update #21
By CM thru Rubens
May 24, 2010 - 2:48:51 PM

Update No. 21
Monday, May 24, 2010
CM thru Rubens

Rubens: Hello CM. Mood is strange, isn't it now?

CM: Yes, this is indeed I, Aton, and yes we are in a strange mood, if you could say that, due to the plight of Gaia; she is having some difficulties and we are aiding in the process so she could be relieved and get this going as it must. You have seen some minor activities occurring on the surface but, not at all yet, that we had anticipated. As more time elapses, more the push is going to be painful and violent. So dear ones, although it is kind of strange to tell you not to lose patience for what you are expecting as it will happen but, at the same time , in light of the number of departures that will occur, we are not really happy in making that statement.

This is an extremely delicate operation, if you will, and we are carefully helping Gaia to go the last mile and get it over with.

Again, we have made the necessary arrangements for the evacuation process; we have even fine-tuned the process so, once the geological events manifest on the surface, do not expect to have any pauses or periods of rest because they will be ongoing until it is done. Pray if you will or remain as calm as is possible at this point because we know that you are holding your breath.

That is all I am willing to say at this point.

My Peace be with you, dear ones.

This is Aton and I place my seal of approval on this brief update.

Rubens: Many thanks.

Candace: I was informed recently they are supplying assistance. Also I requested some "pics" inside my head of what is going on during meditation today and I was given some. There are more CME's coming, which I know, there was one earth directed yesterday, and another today about 20 hours later. If you are a watcher of Stereo, if a CME is earth directed, it appears usually on both Stereo A and B. To the right on B and to the left on A.
Candace:最近我已被告之他们正在提供援助,今天的冥想中我也要求了一些关于即将发生的事的"画面"进入我的头脑。据我所知,会有更多的CME(日冕物质抛射)到来,昨天有一次指向地球,今天大约20小时后会有另一次。如果你是一名Stereo(日地关系观测台-Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory)的观察员,它可能通常在Stereo的A和B。B在右,A在左。(............不懂天文学,求这两句的解释!)

Also I was shown coastlines, which oddly in one was definitely EAST South America, which would imply that what we have been told that the Mid Atlantic Ridge may go. Also I was shown the size of the waves, quite huge, but I can't measure what I see on the "camera" inside my head.



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