


楼主: ape12

Xtreamer + Etrayz = Media Server Solution???

发表于 22-8-2009 01:55 PM | 显示全部楼层
来来来,让偶来帮LZupdate下,好让中了楼主毒的(诸如我。。。)同好下了订还在pek check收不到的安心下,而且ape虽然买了first batch的但是xtreamer没有忘了你啊!!! 他们要帮你免费的换新的抽风扇了!!!,来看最新的announcement来!!
Free Fan Replacement

For those who placed an order in the first batch and require a fan replacement as some of you may find their device fan too loud - we will be able to send you new fan - FREE OF CHARGE. The new slower fan has an embedded potentiometer that provide more efficient workflow with less noise as it utilize its operation on slower speed. (This new fan is already being replaced in 2nd batch onwards -so only 1st batch applications should be relevant )

All you will be required is to do is send us an email until September 15th - in english to this mail : replace.fan@gmail.com .

make short message with your serial number, order number and full address (we will ship only to the address in the shop account) . Our staff will collect all requests and will ship you replacement after the 15th of spetmber. We will publish here clear guide how to replace the fan with the relevant pictures and instructions.

We will not reply or confirm your mails. We will publish a list of orders who requested fan replacement before fan shipments.

而且要买的也可以入手了哦,因为free antenna的已经不再是offer了,而是标准配备了!!!!
Free Antenna special offer is continuing

We decided to give the free antenna to 2nd, 3rd and 4th batches free of charge. It is our way to to compensate you for the long delays . Until further notice this special offer will continue.

Next week i will be able to upload some videos and pictures from the manufacturing facility.

My next report to you will be from the R&D center and labs in Korea. I will be able to share with you more information while i am there.

要买的人也不用担心shipping 问题了(sinkafai。。高兴bo?
Delivery update

It is time i will say it clear and in bold font - AS OF NEXT WEEK WILL BE NO MORE DELIVERY DELAYS.

The production facility got into its maximum production capacity phase and 10000 units are now under final QA tests.

all pending orders units are on their way (some already got to germany) to the distribution center.

As of beginning of September the distribution center will have enough units on hand to be able to process even same/next day shipment and promise to european customers less than 1 week delivery.

This means we will be able to deliver 2nd 3rd and 4th batches their devices in the next couple of weeks.

不过如果有要退货的,也没有问题啊,是全数退还的,已经没有charges了!(好彩我没有退货啊,算是塞翁失马吧 ),不过xtreamer说退货了的他们不会再接受这些人的订单了(公司都傻的,都嘛可以用别人的名来订的嘛)
Refund and Paypal Dispute Policy

Some of you were sometime too quick on the trigger and decided to "push" us by placing a dispute in paypal -

Our policy in these cases is very simple. We dont argue with customers. If you place a dispute in paypal - your order will be immediately cancelled and your refund will be promptly made back to your account.

As due to the fact we are not charging any handling fee for the cancelation process - we will not argue with a customer asking a refund , but we will decline new orders for him in the future.

We apologize for the delay. It is our duty to serve you with the best quality units and sevice possible. Our RD team is working in the meantime on new exciting features that will make the xtreamer even better. The new firmwares as well the current status of our device will sure be proven your wait as worthy.

对于faulty的产品,他们也查明了为什么有那么高的faulty rate哦,原来是pcb的厂商出问题,他们fire掉这些厂商了,换了合作对象了。也解释说为什么会有shipping的delay,因为(他们自己说的啦,信不信由你吧)他们拦截了shipment把可能出问题的产品更换了新的所以才拖慢了。

As to RMA/DOA and faulty devices reports .

Those of you who were unfortunate enough for getting a device that is faulty (even though we tested it here before shipment) dont worry. we will replace your units with new ones. It is a clear company policy to satisfy you all. just apply for RMA within your account and we will sort it out .

We made serious investigation as to the reason of those DOA units and found out that some units PCB were "contaminated" with dust (a fault was made by the PCB supplier) . This contamination made some units to break down or experience some instability after firmware upgrade.

for those who need more serious explanation - which they are sure deserve - we can only say - PCB manufacturing is a very demanding and delicate task involves in a series of chemical washings and precision drilling. our QA team worked over time and finally we got to the point we can assure you all - there will be no more problem with this anymore. We changed PCB supplier and we monitor quality with multiple processes in both Korea and Europe.

We decided to delay the 2nd batch shipments after 500 units and replace all pending orders with new re-manufactured ones. This was the reason for last week delay. Those who were sent to you passed the QA tests and should be ok.

Now that we are beyond this point - we can say clear - in matter of 2 weeks we will massively ship more and more units to the distribution center so as to enable us to meet the growing demand and promise same/next day delivery worldwide.

Within this week we will finish shipments of the 2nd batch and by next week 3rd batch as well as 4th batch shipment will be cleared.

the European distribution center in germany will serve EU residents while rest of the world customer will be shipped from china by DHL or EMS.


使用道具 举报


发表于 22-8-2009 09:55 PM | 显示全部楼层

回复 121# frankling 的帖子

哇,真的是好消息!!!改进了风扇以及PCB Board的问题,又可以不用等这么久
希望这个韩国R&D, 欧洲QC,中国制造的机不会让我失望吧

使用道具 举报

发表于 22-8-2009 10:24 PM | 显示全部楼层

回复 122# 阿豪仔 的帖子

我下个月去广州5天,打算去看下思百德的蓝光机(player和NMT的综合体)- 好像是region free的!看看先,如果真的很好就考虑下手了...当然要有送1T的片子啦

使用道具 举报

发表于 23-8-2009 06:33 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 frankling 于 22-8-2009 01:55 PM 发表 来来来,让偶来帮LZupdate下,好让中了楼主毒的(诸如我。。。)同好下了订还在pek check收不到的安心下,而且ape虽然买了first batch的但是xtreamer没有忘了你啊!!! 他们要帮你免费的换新的抽风扇了 ...
我已经打算入手ac ryan了。最近这款产品也是出奇热卖,弄到总公司跟零售商为了批发价格吵到很够力。

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 23-8-2009 10:57 PM | 显示全部楼层


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 楼主| 发表于 23-8-2009 10:58 PM | 显示全部楼层

回复 124# sinkafai 的帖子


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Follow Us
发表于 25-8-2009 11:14 AM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 25-8-2009 11:15 AM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 ape12 于 23-8-2009 10:58 PM 发表

使用道具 举报


发表于 25-8-2009 01:33 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 sinkafai 于 25-8-2009 11:14 AM 发表

为什么11/9?? 911不是吉祥日叻。。。

使用道具 举报

发表于 25-8-2009 09:12 PM | 显示全部楼层
Order #3696

Order Date: 22nd Jul 2009

    This order is marked as Shipped

    You chose to ship this order with Flat Rate Per Order
    The tracking number for this order is DHL
    Track the status of your order

    Click the 'View Order' button to download the items you ordered.

    The outstanding balance of your order is

使用道具 举报

发表于 25-8-2009 10:12 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 frankling 于 25-8-2009 09:12 PM 发表
Order #3696

Order Date: 22nd Jul 2009

    This order is marked as Shipped

    You chose to ship this order with Flat Rate Per Order
    The tracking n ...
真是羡慕死你! 我的order date 是 11-August 2009 。还有徘等!!!

[ 本帖最后由 阿豪仔 于 25-8-2009 10:14 PM 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 25-8-2009 11:00 PM | 显示全部楼层


譬如:女主角和男主角说:wo ai ni!  
           字幕竟然show: pissed off!


[ 本帖最后由 ape12 于 25-8-2009 11:01 PM 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报

发表于 25-8-2009 11:06 PM | 显示全部楼层

回复 132# ape12 的帖子


使用道具 举报

发表于 26-8-2009 09:59 AM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 frankling 于 25-8-2009 09:12 PM 发表
Order #3696

Order Date: 22nd Jul 2009

    This order is marked as Shipped

    You chose to ship this order with Flat Rate Per Order
    The tracking n ...

我在第盯着你。。。。。 你别乱动。

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 26-8-2009 11:55 AM | 显示全部楼层
通告:26-8-09 10pm Korea time (UTC+9) 会有一个forum party, 我们可以和xtreamer 职员直接对话。大家可以趁这机会问他们下一个firmware update会有什么改进,新加什么功能。我最期待就是BD ISO support 和 bitstream dts-hd的功能。

使用道具 举报

发表于 26-8-2009 03:38 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 阿豪仔 于 25-8-2009 01:33 PM 发表

为什么11/9?? 911不是吉祥日叻。。。

使用道具 举报


 楼主| 发表于 27-8-2009 05:11 PM | 显示全部楼层
更新一下昨晚的forum party, 转载从mediaman(forumer)的reviews:

My Review of the meeting today:

The party today, or shall I say meeting went well, thank you all that came to chat..

2 Hours were available to us to chat with the big boss George also the R and D team, I thought
this was valuable time to use and could not be wasted.! :roll:

Negative Note:
Sadly the quality of the chat seemed poor due to the fact many users decided to complain and
spend the first 30-40 minutes dicussing delivery with Mr George and ask about future products
instead of the product at hand...Even when told to wait till end of the chat selfish
individuals put pressure on George to explain more about new products and the surprises he had
in store...In the future Im sure the chat will be invite only...

Positive Notes:
On a positive note, I decided to go through the chat and extract any valuable information that
would be use to users who own the xtreamer, who will own the xtreamer and who are waiting for
firmware releases for the device...

The Review is done in order of conversation

Delivery: Reasons for delay in the delivery seemed to be because some of the stock that was
produced was not up to top quality...Therefore a delay was made to a number of orders..
<@george_le> frankly speaking we had more than stock in factrory... but i block it...not satisfied with qualtiy

New Xtreamer: There will be a new xtreamer with 3.5 HD, 40MM fan and better design..There is a number of info in the chat about this but due to confusion I have not been able to conclude if it will also have eSata..

HD GUI: HD GUI is coming.. This has been confirmed..It will be be added to the xtreamer firmware soon..
<@MediaMan> George this is good news for 3.5, HD UI will firmware update enable this on existing device?
<@george_le> yes

Arabic: So far there been one user who has mentioned this 100 times, he knows who he is...
Arabic support and problems are being sorted out and will be fixed soon..
<@george_le> personally but arbic is not easy even we hired arabic translater to help us

[15:06] <@Xtreamer> (1) first offer to all current clients of xtreamer (all batches) - extrenal 3.5" HDD enclosure that you will be able to buy with special price in the shop and connect to your xtreamer current 2.5" you will be able to copy to it files from your pc with e-sata and to the device it is connected with usb 2.0the price will make your xtreamer total solution cheaper than any other and will not limit you all to 2.5" hdd size the e-sata port will allow you to fast copy files

See end notes also..

About George:
George explained abit about his background and history...This guy has been in the business for long time..
He can be trusted and knows his way around the industry..he has many strong connections with realtek and sigma..
<@george_le> i'm also owner of mvix,,

There has been much confusion over this and speculation..This is to confirm that BD Iso will be coming and in terms of menu support it is still not 100% sure if it can and will be supported..
[15:16] <@george_le> plan even DB ISO supports and, new SDK with better network speed and stabilityand will make wireless lan fully workable and HD UI

Speaking to the R and D cheif this is what information I manged to obtain..
<RD-Chief> new sdk can support blur-ray and 24p and rstp protocol etc..unfortunalty, new sdk can't support BD menu browsing
Therefore still some confusion over this...But they said they will try...This contradicts information that was given by xtreamer..So its not out the question yet


[15:24] <@Xtreamer> (1) we implemented very powerful subtitle control
[15:25] <@Xtreamer> font color + font color based on RGB + FOnt outline
[15:25] <@Xtreamer> subtitle files will be able to choose manually
[15:25] <@Xtreamer> and font of subt also
[15:25] <@Xtreamer> we will do .SSA support later
[15:27] <@Xtreamer> version 105 (new SDK) will support idx and SUB also
[15:28] <@Xtreamer> we added better sub menu for time seek like in NMT
[15:28] <@Xtreamer> you can skip +15 + 1 min + 3 + 10 min

Speaks for itself for all the subtitle fans...

Many users want some kind of jukebox/Video interface with images of the movies and information...
I think this feature is still being planned out..

[15:32] <@Xtreamer> the juke box in order for us to be able to take the juke box utlity inside the unit we need to pay royalty to IMDB
[15:33] <@Xtreamer> we now checking several options, we know how important
[15:34] <@Xtreamer> we will make our best to make the device browsing based on icons/picture and not only file list view based
[15:34] <@Xtreamer> we are now under serious internal research how to do it best
[15:34] <@Xtreamer> the problem is that the RTL 1283 can decode 1 file at a given time
[15:35] <@Xtreamer> we have some idea we will do, we will add icon view support
[15:36] <@Xtreamer> you will be able to tag your folders with icon like xbox
[15:36] <@Xtreamer> xbmc, for more new features

There is problem with decoding multiple files...

DVD Drives:
[16:27] <+Keymz> @bitlisz, with ext. dvd drive
[16:27] <@george_le> not yet even we had dvd CSS license

Issues with license mean this not yet been done..

Internet services:

[15:42] <@Xtreamer> for internet services - we are currently unable to support HQ file codec
[15:43] <@Xtreamer> this is due to on2 VP6 licence, we believe this issue will be resolved until xmas as we already asked RTL to help us on this matter

Again license issues means xtreamer got to pay more so need sort this...These companies demand to much Apple.Youtube etc..

Licence Issues:

[15:45] <@george_le> we are paying more than $5 for dolby
[15:45] <@george_le> and same for DTS
[15:45] <@george_le> also sisvel
[15:45] <@george_le> and also mpec audio
[15:45] <@george_le> etc many
[15:45] <@george_le> this vp6 is very seirous tesk for us
[15:45] <@george_le> we need to solve same way with RMVB
[15:46] <@george_le> i added it with RTL negociation
[15:46] <@george_le> and with license fee inside
[15:46] <@george_le> for more live feature key issue is codec license issue
[15:46] <@george_le> we will do my best to be best nego to make cusotmer happy
[16:01] <@george_le> we will add dts pass thour


[16:07] <@Xtreamer> we adding now OGM support
[16:07] <@Xtreamer> and new UI for music section
[16:07] <@RD-Chief> will solve asap for include id3tag flac
[16:07] <@Xtreamer> for internet radio
[16:07] <@Xtreamer> PLS files also now we added and you will be able to add your own desired channels with PLS file
[16:12] <@george_le> 11n already supports more than 30% more than before,,
[16:16] <@RD-Net> NSV streams willbe consideredlater
[16:18] <@george_le> we are 1.3a hdmi can do,, i think will check issue
[16:21] <@george_le> we will add cinema mode
[16:21] <@george_le> for 24p and 23.976hz
[15:38] <@Xtreamer> folder password will be added this release also
[15:38] <@Xtreamer> and NFS / SMB share will be mounted from the main xtreamer TV GUI
[15:39] <@Xtreamer> we already added better functionalty with the FUNC key in your RC
[15:39] <@Xtreamer> you will be able to delete/copy/bookmark/add shortcut/rename any file that is accessible by the xtreamer

Firmware Release Dates:
<@george_le> mediaman,, 1.0.3 will be within 2 week and 1.0.4 before end of Septmeber with much update with new SDK

Images of the New NAS Device...

Batch will get 40% Discount of original price...

To finish off:

This has been a small review...The highlight I think of the party was to introduce the new products that will be coming out...
I want to thank finally Xtreamer for his hard work organising this and visiting different parties in the company... :!:

[ 本帖最后由 ape12 于 27-8-2009 05:22 PM 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 27-8-2009 05:21 PM | 显示全部楼层
新产品,Xtreamer NAS (可以支持4TG的3.5"硬碟,支持megaupload, jdownloader等等),原价99euro, xtreamer用户可享有40euro折扣。如果xtreamer + NAS一起买,价钱是99euro + 59euro + 40 euro = 198euro. 要十一月才可以开始订购。


关于xtreamer NAS的官方消息:

[ 本帖最后由 ape12 于 28-8-2009 08:51 AM 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报

发表于 27-8-2009 07:10 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 ape12 于 27-8-2009 05:21 PM 发表
新产品,Xtreamer NAS (可以支持4TG的3.5"硬碟,支持megaupload, jdownloader等等),原价99euro, xtreamer用户可享有40%折扣。如果xtreamer + NAS一起买,价钱是159euro. 还可以省回20euro邮寄费呢!



咦,我找不到Xtreamer NAS的资料的?!?

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 27-8-2009 07:20 PM | 显示全部楼层

回复 139# 阿豪仔 的帖子


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